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Letter Opposing Fairfax Recall

The Marin Democratic Party (DCCM) opposes the current attempt to recall Fairfax Vice Mayor Lisel Blash and Council Member Stephanie Hellman, both of whom were previously endorsed by the Marin Democratic Party and who we believe are serving the community well.

This costly and divisive effort is a waste of the people's time and money in this important election cycle. This coming November there will be an election in Fairfax for three Council members and voters will have an opportunity to express their concerns and hopes for their community. This is the appropriate way to resolve policy issues, not by mounting a recall effort.

The Marin IJ reports that initial attempts to submit signatures have been rejected by the Town of Fairfax and the group leading this effort is now enlisting the help of consultants leading a recall attempt in Alameda. 

This is not what small town politics should be about. The Marin Democratic Party (DCCM) urges you not to sign the Notice of Intent petition or any future petitions supporting this recall effort. There is an election coming up. Let the voters decide then.

Marin Democratic Party (DCCM) 



 Agenda for Monthly Meeting

Marin Democratic Party (DCCM)

June 6 meeting

In Person - 7:00 - 9:00 PM


7:00 pm Meeting Start Time

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Approval of minutes of May 2, 2024 meeting
  4. Chair and Regional Director Reports
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Other Officer Reports

7a. Introduction of new alternates, associate members, and guests 

7b.  Resolutions Committee - Action Item: Second reading of Kevin Carroll Renter Protection Resolution

7c. Endorsements Committee: Action Item: Repeal of Fairfax Just Cause and Rent Stabilization Ordinance (letter to be assigned in August). Hear speakers on the issue.

  1. Open Time 
  2. Democratic Club reports
  3. Announcements
  4. Committee Reports

                Campaign Services/Outreach Committee - Action Item: Approval to spend remaining $400.00 in budget or County Fair. Approved by EComm.

Action Item: Approval to start paying rent and other expenses for HQ as budgeted, pending review of signed contract by Treasurer.

                  Budget and Finance 

                  Bylaws Committee - Action Item: Amend bylaws to allow each regular member and ex-officio member, to have up to 3 Associates. Approved by EComm.

                  Communications Committee

                   Database Committee 

                  Development Committee

     12. New Business

     13. Unfinished Business: Vote on email protocol on website

     14. Adjournment – 9:00