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                                    AGENDA for

                February 6, 2025 MEETING 

        Democratic Central Committee Marin 

                      Marin Democratic Party 

                                    In Person

7:00 pm Start Time

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of agenda 
  3. Approval of minutes of January 2, 2025 meeting
  4. Chair and Regional Director Report: Vote for Delegates and EBoard Reps to CDP 
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Other Officers Reports
  7. Introduction of new alternates, associate members, and guests, 
  8. Open Time 
  9. Democratic Club reports
  10. Announcements
  11. Committee Reports

Campaign Services/Outreach Committee 

Budget and Finance:  Action Item -   Approval of 2025 Budget with 2026 Projection

Bylaws Committee

Communications Committee

Database Committee 

Development Committee: Action Item - Approval to spend balance of budgeted amount for Mardi Gras - approximately $2500.00

Endorsements Committee

Resolutions Committee

  1. New Business
  2. Unfinished Business: 
  3. Adjournment – 9:00: Memories and moment of  of silence for Greg Knell