Democratic Committees & Local Democratic Clubs
Standing Committees of the Marin Democratic Party
This Committee is responsible for interpreting these bylaws and rules and revise the bylaws and rules as directed by the DCCM.
This committee reviews all resolutions proposed to the DCCM. The Resolutions Committee recommends, rejects, or recommends amendments to, resolutions prior to referral to the DCCM and brings to the DCCM all major resolutions approved by the State Party that relate to election/propositions and referendums for approval by the DCCM.
This committee presents an annual budget at the second regular meeting of the DCCM in even-numbered years and no later than the July meeting in odd-numbered years and reviews and budgets every request for DCCM funds with recommendations regarding each expenditure.
This committee identifies Democrats running in each local partisan and non-partisan office. Make recommendations for endorsement to the Committee. Coordinate arrangements for endorsement meetings before the DCCM.
This committee organizes party election campaign efforts and manages campaign headquarters in even years. The committee also organizes and oversees voter contact, including precinct work and phone banks, volunteer recruitment, and voter registration efforts.
This committee organizes, manages, and maintains the database of the DCCM.
This committee manages the DCCM website, as well as DCCM social media, and media outreach, and coordinates publicity supportive of DCCM efforts.
This committee organizes and oversees all fundraising efforts for the DCCM.
Local Democratic Clubs

The Democratic Central Committee of Marin urges you to visit a number of clubs (both chartered and non-charted) that discuss local issues and organize Democrats around specific issues. Depending on membership, chartered clubs are able to send specified numbers of voting members to the state Democratic party to pre-endorsement meetings.
Usually, membership is open to all registered Marin Democrats who support the principles of the Party. Below is a list of chartered clubs in Marin and their contact information.
12th Assembly District Democrats
Following redistricting, the 10th Assembly District Democrats has been re-christened as the 12th Assembly District Democrats! The purpose of the organization is to encourage, develop, and actively engage in political organization and activities within the Assembly District and perform other electoral political activity for the purpose of electing Democratic Party candidates endorsed by the organization, the DCCM and/or the CDP. Our group also hosts a number of events throughout the year that are both fun and informative.
Steve Burdo, 12th AD Chair,
California Young Democrats, Marin Chapter
The Marin County Young Democrats seek to stimulate an active interest in governmental affairs in Marin county young people, increase the efficiency of our government, maintain the viability of our free institutions, and contribute to the growth and influence of the ideals and philosophy of the Democratic Party.
Summer Cassel, [email protected]
PDFA-Marin The PDFA is an inclusive organization committed to the progressive values underlying our democracy. Our purpose is to restore and maintain citizen’s ownership of democracy by mobilizing and facilitating grassroots participation in the political process.
Pat Johnstone, Chair, [email protected]
Novato Democratic Club
The Novato Democratic Club is established to stimulate an active interest in governmental affairs, to foster the practice and principles of popular government, and to promote the ideals of equal justice and social well being for all people.
Suzanne Brown Crow, President