About Marin Democrats


A message from our chair, Pat Johnstone

Welcome to the Democratic Central Committee of Marin (DCCM.), commonly known as the Marin Democratic Party. Marin County Democrats are passionate about our democratic values and issues.The climate crisis is real, and is the existential threat of our times, demanding immediate, bold action. Healthcare is a human right, and we need to protect everyone with a Medicare for All, single payer program. Quality, affordable, accessible education is an essential component of a thriving community. All of our work must be approached through the lens of social, economic, and racial equity. 

We are working vigorously on the local, state, and national levels, with our amazing Marin County volunteer network, to advance these issues and elect Democrats who will pursue positive, effective, equitable solutions. Politics is not a spectator sport. Your energy is needed and welcomed as we continue to grow and change to reflect the wonderful diversity of our community. Please join us as we work to elect Democrats and bring needed change at all levels.

There are many opportunities to get involved, by attending one of our meetings, volunteering on a political campaign - making phone calls, canvassing your neighborhood, writing postcards- and more. 

Thank you for taking the time to view our site and learn about Democratic politics in Marin County. Your ideas are always welcome. We hope to see you at one of our events soon.   

Pat Johnstone, Chair Democratic Central Committee of Marin

Pat Johnstone

About Marin Democrats The Democratic Central Committee of Marin (DCCM),

The Marin Democratic Party, is an elected body mandated by the California Elections Code and the California Democratic Party By-Laws to be the official representative of the Democratic Party in Marin.

The Democratic Central Committee of Marin consists of 23 representatives elected from each of the County’s five supervisorial districts, and 3 ex-officio members. The elections for these positions take place every four years. Only registered Democrats are entitled to serve on the DCCM, and to vote for candidates running for the DCCM. When the number of candidates vying for positions in a particular supervisorial district is equal to, or less than, the number of positions available, the election in this supervisorial district is not considered contested. Under these conditions, the candidates are not placed upon the ballot, but are instead, appointed to the positions.


Number of Representative Committee Member Positions by District

5 representatives elected from the First Supervisorial District
5 representatives elected from the Second Supervisorial District
5 representatives elected from the Third Supervisorial District
4 representatives elected from the Fourth Supervisorial District
4 representatives elected from the Fifth Supervisorial District
To search Supervisorial Districts by residence, address click here. Supervisors and link to enter your address


Monthly Meetings: The DCCM meets on the first Thursday of every month--in person or on Zoom. You can find meetings HERE