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Marin Ballot Measures Endorsements

November 5, 2024

Sausalito / Marin City - School District

Yes on Measure G

Measure G

Sausalito Marin City School District - Yes on Measure G

To attract and retain highly-qualified teachers and support staff, continue funding critical academic programs in math, science, reading, writing and arts, maintain manageable class sizes, shall Sausalito Marin City School District’s measure levying a parcel tax at $0.15/building area square foot up to 23,000 square feet, and $25/unimproved parcel, be adopted, providing $1,300,000 annually for 8 years, that can’t be taken by the State, with independent citizen oversight, low income senior exemption, and money locally-controlled?




Fairfax - Save Rent Control

No on Measure I

No on Measure I in Fairfax

Fairfax - No on Measure I

Fairfax tenants have rent control but corporate landlords want to take it away by deceiving voters with Measure I.

Rents are skyrocketing in Fairfax. Our current rent control law is in accordance with the California state constitution to allow for a fair return for landlords, while making sure that our neighbors who rent aren’t hit by massive rent increases and forced to leave our community. Measure I wants to change all that.

Cities and towns across the state (including nearby San Anselmo and Larkspur) have passed local rent control laws to keep rents affordable so tenants can put down roots and contribute to their communities. Don’t believe the corporate landlords lies with Measure I – our rent control is a fair way to protect our community.

Website: Save Rent Control in Fairfax

FAIRFAX - Road Repair

Yes on Measure J

Measure J - Fairfax

Fairfax - Yes on Measure J

To repair roads/infrastructure; fix potholes; repave streets; repair retaining walls/bridges; address flooding of roads/buildings; improve bike/pedestrian circulation, safe routes to schools, disabled access; and qualify for federal matching funds/grants, shall the Town of Fairfax’s measure authorizing $18,000,000 of bonds for up to 30 years for each series, at legal interest rates, levying approximately $30/$100,000 of assessed value, raising on average approximately $1,200,000 annually, requiring audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?




Larkspur - Rent Control

Yes on Measure K

Measure K

Larkspur - Yes on Measure K

Vote YES on Measure K! It’s time for Larkspur families to have true protection from corporate landlords. The current Larkspur rent control caps annual rent increases at 7%, far more than Larkspur renters can afford. With compounding 7% rent increases, rents would go up 40% in five years! This is the weakest local rent cap in the state of California.

Measure K:

  • Caps annual rent increases at 60% of inflation (CPI) or 3%, whichever is less.
  • Provides a Fair Return on Rents for our local mom and pop landlords.
  • Prevents Unfair Evictions by protecting tenants who follow the rules.

The Measure K protections are crucial for ensuring housing stability, which promotes racial and economic equity. It will prevent displacement, reduce financial burden on low-income households—often people of color—and foster long-term stability. Vote Yes on K: Real Rent Control to Keep Larkspur Affordable and combat the affordability housing crisis.

Website: Yes on Measure K



Mill Valley - City Services

Yes on Measure L

Measure L - Mill Valley

City of Mill Valley - Yes on Measure L

To provide funding to maintain city services and facilities, including: wildfire prevention and public safety; roads, bridges, and emergency routes; storm drains; library, recreation, and parks, and general government use, shall the City of Mill Valley enact a one-cent sales tax, providing approximately $4,200,000 annually for ten years, with money staying local, independent audits, and oversight?


Novato - City Services

Yes on Measures M

Yes On Measure M

Novato - Yes on Measures M

Novato is at a crossroads: Either we fix our longstanding budget deficit, or we make deep cuts to essential city services that keep us safe and protect our quality of life.

What kind of city do we want Novato to be? One with good roads, safe and clean parks, rapid 9-1-1 emergency response, and safe neighborhoods? Or one with more potholes, blight, slow emergency response, and more crime? These are not temporary needs; temporary solutions are no longer feasible.

Essential purchases like groceries and prescription medicines are exempt. Sales tax is paid by anyone shopping in Novato, not just residents.

Voting Yes on M will:

  • Fix potholes and maintain city streets
  • Maintain 9-1-1 emergency response and public safety services
  • Maintain parks and recreation programs and facilities

Measure M requires strict fiscal accountability and local control

Novato is a special place. Let’s keep it that way.

Website: Yes on Measure M

San Anselmo - Tenant Protection and Rent Control

Yes on Measures O and N

Yes on Rent Control

San Anselmo - Yes on Measures O and N

At the urging of residents, San Anselmo approved rent control to stabilize out-of-control rents and safeguard our community. Now, out-of-town landlords want to take it away.

Don’t be fooled: San Anselmo rent control and tenant protections (“just cause”) provide a fair return for mom and pop landlords and security that renting families can count on. 

Website: San Anselmo for Rent Control